At A4A, we provide both medical and TCM acupuncture. A4A’s medical acupuncture is provided by Dr. Ryan Scott, D.C. He received his certification through the Contemporary Medical Acupuncture program at McMaster University. TCM acupuncture is provided by Dr. Janet Ho, D.C.
Benefits of Acupuncture
- Pain relief
- Increased relaxation
- Relief of muscle tension
- Better sleep
- Improved blood flow
- Increased function and mobility
Conditions We Treat with Acupuncture
Achilles tendinopathies, Arthritis, Bursitis, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Golfer’s elbow, Headaches, Jaw pain, Ligament sprains, Muscle tears, Rotator cuff dysfunction, Shin splints, Tennis elbow
Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture may be recommended as part of your treatment plan for injury rehabilitation or pain relief. A4A’s Functional Integrated Approach combines different types of manual therapy to facilitate the fastest recovery for patients.
You’ll receive an individualized treatment plan outlining the frequency and duration of acupuncture sessions we recommend for recovery.